Video: Q&A: How Opting Out of Social Security Affects Medicare

by Monday, November 1, 2021 Today's video looks at how opting out of Social Security affects Medicare benefits and what happens when pastors already have 40 Social Security credits before opting out.

How Does The Minister’s Housing Allowance Affect Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Benefits?

by Monday, October 25, 2021

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a government insurance program that provides low-cost health insurance to children from families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to be able to afford private insurance. This includes many pastors’ children. CHIP Eligibility Is Based On Income Like many such programs, eligibility is based on income. That’s simple for most people, but can be a cause of uncertainty for pastors. You start filling out the forms and when you get to the income line, you pause. Your salary is $30,000. Your housing allowance is $20,000. So what’s your income? $30,000 or $50,000? Ugh! No one else has this problem, why does being a pastor have to be so hard? CHIP Income Calculation & The Clergy Housing Allowance  Being a pastor is hard, I know it. While I can’t fix the people in your church, I can at least solve this little problem ...

Video: Q&A: Can A Pastor Claim The QBI Deduction?

by Monday, October 18, 2021 In this video, Amy answers the following questions:- What is the QBI deduction?- Can a pastor claim the qualified business income deduction? - If so, is the housing allowance part of the calculation?

How Pastors Can Avoid Paying Social Security Taxes Without Opting Out

by Monday, October 11, 2021

You didn’t opt out of Social Security because it doesn’t violate your conscience. But that doesn’t mean you like paying the tax. There are probably a lot of things you would rather do with that money. Do you have any other options? Yes, you do. There is a legal way for you to avoid paying Social Security and Medicare taxes without opting out. And not only does it save you on taxes, but it’s really good for your future self as well. How do you do it? Make pre-tax contributions to your church’s retirement plan. Pastors Pay Payroll Taxes Under SECA Let me explain how that works. First, I have to remind you that pastors pay payroll taxes as if they were self-employed, under SECA. Confused? Read this article.  Because you pay as if self-employed, your payroll taxes do not come out of your salary automatically as they do for other employees. You calculate ...

Video: Q&A: How Do You Get The Housing Allowance For A Pastor?

by Monday, October 4, 2021 Here's a step-by-step description of how to set a housing allowance for a pastor, what needs to be done throughout the year, how to report it to the IRS, and what to do if you have excess housing allowance.

The 4 Most Important Retirement Planning Decisions Ministers Need to Make

by Monday, September 27, 2021

This is a guest post by Chris Cagle, author of and The Minister's Retirement book. I recently published a book review on his book and it got such a good reception that I asked him to write something specifically for you. In my book, The Minister’s Retirement, I address many of the fundamental questions that pastors have about planning for, and living in, retirement. Wise planning involves making decisions consistent with biblical stewardship principles and implemented using wisdom and practical knowledge gained through experience. I call this “retirement stewardship.” Some decisions are more critical than others, so in this article, I discuss the ones I consider of greatest importance based on the extent to which they can help a pastor to "retire with dignity." 1.  The Social Security Decision Although Christians have mixed opinions about it, Social Security is an expression of God’s common grace. It can be a blessing to Christians and ...

Video: Q&A: Is a Car Payment Taxable Income for a Pastor?

by Monday, September 20, 2021 In today's video, Amy answers a question from a Pastor's Wallet reader whose church wants to help him purchase a car and he's wondering if that is considered taxable income.

How Do You Report Your Clergy Housing Allowance To The IRS?

by Monday, September 13, 2021

This is an excerpt from my book, The Pastor’s Wallet Complete Guide to the Clergy Housing Allowance:  The church is not required to report the housing allowance to the IRS. Unless a church includes it in an informational section on Form W-2, the IRS and the Social Security Administration (SSA) are only made aware of the housing allowance when a minister files Schedule SE to pay Social Security taxes under SECA.  Form W-2 You should review your Form W-2 that you receive every year to make sure your church prepared it correctly. Many church treasurers and bookkeepers have received absolutely zero training, they’re just doing it because they’re not good at saying no. So, make sure to double check. This is what it should look like: Box 1  Wages excluding housing allowance. This is what the church reports to the IRS as your income. The housing allowance is exempt from income and should therefore not ...

Video: Q&A: Changing Your Minister’s Housing Allowance

by Monday, September 6, 2021 In today's video, Amy answers a question from a Pastor's Wallet reader who recently moved and wants to know if they can change their housing allowance after it has already been set by the elders.

Book Review: The Minister’s Retirement, by C.J. Cagle

by Monday, August 30, 2021

Today’s post is going to be a review of a book written especially for YOU; The Minister’s Retirement, by C.J. Cagle. The author contacted me through this blog late last year offering to send me a copy and I finally found the time to read it on a flight this spring.  Some Context Going in, I knew nothing of the book or the author, only that over six months ago I had said I would read the book and I like to be a woman of my word. While The Minister’s Retirement doesn’t sound like my first choice for vacation reading (especially after spending the last two years studying finance in-depth), six hours on an airplane is just too valuable to waste.  I should probably also give you some context for who I am as a reviewer. First of all, I’ve been studying pastoral finances for the past five years. I just completed ...