Browsing Category Retirement

Should You Invest in a 403(b) with High Fees to Have a Housing Allowance in Retirement?

Should You Invest in a 403(b) with High Fees to Have a Housing Allowance in Retirement?


Pastors who save into their church’s retirement plan are eligible to withdraw some of that money as a tax-free housing allowance in retirement. It’s a great benefit to have. Unfortunately, a lot of church retirement plans have investments with higher fees than are available in IRAs. Because of this, I have been asked multiple times if it is worth it. Does the ability to claim a housing allowance outweigh the cost of the higher fees? As with everything in financial planning, ...

Are You Eligible To Make Extra 403(b) Contributions?

Are You Eligible To Make Extra 403(b) Contributions?


People over 50 are eligible to make extra contributions to their 403(b) plans. However, some plans even let younger people make extra contributions. Here is everything you need to know regarding eligibility, limits, etc. for making extra contributions to your 403(b). View post

Claiming A Minister’s Housing Allowance In Retirement

Claiming A Minister’s Housing Allowance In Retirement


The following is an excerpt from my book, The Pastor’s Wallet Complete Guide to the Clergy Housing Allowance: The IRS says it’s still possible to claim a housing allowance even after you retire and stop receiving a paycheck. Unfortunately, there is no clear law or hard and fast rules about this. There is little guidance and not a lot of certainty, so what we do know is cobbled together from various Revenue Rulings issued by the IRS.  Even in retirement, the rules ...

Video: Q&A: Is a gift to a retiring pastor taxable?

Video: Q&A: Is a gift to a retiring pastor taxable?

by There is only one time when a gift to a pastor can be tax-free, and that is at retirement IF certain IRS criteria are met.

Video: Q&A: Do Life Care Facilities Qualify for the Housing Allowance?

Video: Q&A: Do Life Care Facilities Qualify for the Housing Allowance?

by Can money in a 403(b) be claimed as a housing allowance in retirement for someone living in a life care facility where the cost includes meals and medical care? How should that situation be handled?

One Thing You Probably Haven’t Discussed With Your Spouse—But Really Need To

One Thing You Probably Haven’t Discussed With Your Spouse—But Really Need To


When you get married, two become one and you set out on the exciting journey of building a life together. You dream about the ministry you’ll have together, what your kids will look like, even the sports that they’ll play. However, there’s one thing that you probably haven’t taken the time to dream about together and it’s a whole lot more important than what sports your kids play. How do you want to spend your golden years? How Do You Want To ...

When Can Pastors Claim Social Security Retirement Benefits?

When Can Pastors Claim Social Security Retirement Benefits?


You’ve been paying in year after year. After year. After year. And paying double on top of that. Over fifteen percent of your income has been going towards Social Security since you entered the ministry. When does it all pay off? When do you start receiving the benefits? You can file for and begin receiving your Social Security retirement benefits any time between ages 62 and 70. However, what you receive at age 62 is vastly different than what you would ...

Video: Q&A: How Opting Out of Social Security Affects Medicare

Video: Q&A: How Opting Out of Social Security Affects Medicare

by Today's video looks at how opting out of Social Security affects Medicare benefits and what happens when pastors already have 40 Social Security credits before opting out.

How Pastors Can Avoid Paying Social Security Taxes Without Opting Out

How Pastors Can Avoid Paying Social Security Taxes Without Opting Out


You didn’t opt out of Social Security because it doesn’t violate your conscience. But that doesn’t mean you like paying the tax. There are probably a lot of things you would rather do with that money. Do you have any other options? Yes, you do. There is a legal way for you to avoid paying Social Security and Medicare taxes without opting out. And not only does it save you on taxes, but it’s really good for your future self as ...

The 4 Most Important Retirement Planning Decisions Ministers Need to Make

The 4 Most Important Retirement Planning Decisions Ministers Need to Make


This is a guest post by Chris Cagle, author of and The Minister's Retirement book. I recently published a book review on his book and it got such a good reception that I asked him to write something specifically for you. In my book, The Minister’s Retirement, I address many of the fundamental questions that pastors have about planning for, and living in, retirement. Wise planning involves making decisions consistent with biblical stewardship principles and implemented using wisdom and practical ...