Browsing Category Retirement

Book Review: The Minister’s Retirement, by C.J. Cagle

Book Review: The Minister’s Retirement, by C.J. Cagle


Today’s post is going to be a review of a book written especially for YOU; The Minister’s Retirement, by C.J. Cagle. The author contacted me through this blog late last year offering to send me a copy and I finally found the time to read it on a flight this spring.  Some Context Going in, I knew nothing of the book or the author, only that over six months ago I had said I would read the book and I like to ...

What’s The Difference Between A 401(k) And A 403(b)?

What’s The Difference Between A 401(k) And A 403(b)?


A lot of letters and numbers are often thrown around in reference to retirement plans. What are they and what differences and similarities do they have? View post

How Can A Church Sponsor A Retirement Plan?

How Can A Church Sponsor A Retirement Plan?


This is a guest post by Paul McWilliams, an independent financial advisor with Inspire Advisors who specializes in helping organizations set up and administer retirement plans. In addition to his technical knowledge, Paul is also a pastor’s kid! Paul can be reached for questions at Retirement is a popular topic these days because most Americans are financially unprepared for it. Pastors and church employees are no different. While many workers have employer-sponsored 401(k)s to save into, a lot of pastors ...

Aggressive Saving: Wisdom Or Lack Of Faith?

Aggressive Saving: Wisdom Or Lack Of Faith?


Back when people were still allowed to get together, I was at an event for professionals and business owners where we discussed generosity. We watched a video testimony of a woman who God had asked to make some specific changes in her life to set her free. She was a doctor, and she felt led to “work like a doctor and live like a nurse” to free up her income to be more generous. She also felt that God was ...

How Do You Save For Retirement Without A Workplace Retirement Plan?

How Do You Save For Retirement Without A Workplace Retirement Plan?


How much do you have saved for retirement? Do you think it will be enough? A quarter of American adults have absolutely nothing saved for retirement. This is why you may have heard talk of our nation's retirement crisis. Most seniors have not accumulated enough money to live on in retirement. This is an even bigger problem among pastors since many have exempted themselves from Social Security. For most people, the majority of their retirement savings are in a workplace retirement ...

The #1 Financial Regret Most Pastors Have

The #1 Financial Regret Most Pastors Have


From time to time I read Thom Rainer’s blog to stay up to date on the issues that pastors are facing today. The most enlightening part is the comments that pastors leave on his articles. When I read the comments on his financial posts, my heart breaks.  There are so many challenges that pastors face that it makes me want to round you all up, give you big hugs, big thanks, a check for a million dollars, and a free week-long ...

How The SECURE Act Affects Pastors

How The SECURE Act Affects Pastors


Back in 2017, the president timed things just right so that I spent the first day of my family’s Christmas vacation researching the tax reform bill and how it affects pastors. Now, almost two years to the day, he signed into law another sweeping financial reform just in time for me to fly down to visit my family for Christmas. Thanks, Congress, I really appreciate your timing. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was signed into law ...

Should A Pastor Contribute To A Roth Or Traditional 403(b)?

Should A Pastor Contribute To A Roth Or Traditional 403(b)?


The internet is plastered with articles discussing the merits of Roth versus traditional accounts. The Pastor’s Wallet even has one for IRAs. They talk about the different taxation, time horizons, and how to pick the right kind of retirement plan for you. If you’re a pastor, though, you should ignore them all.  If you’re a pastor, you should invest in a traditional 403(b) (if it's a 403(b)(9), which is the type that churches sponsor). At least some, if not all, of ...

Retirement Savings Options For Ministers

Retirement Savings Options For Ministers


Whether or not you ever want to stop working, it is important to plan and prepare for retirement just in case your health or your wife force you to slow down at some point. A lot of people say that their retirement plan is to simply not retire, but real life has shown us that that isn’t always an option. Knowing that, it is irresponsible not to plan for being unable to work someday. The biggest part of a retirement plan ...

How Do I Report IRA Contributions To The IRS?

How Do I Report IRA Contributions To The IRS?


Today’s post was inspired by one of my loyal readers who had a very frustrating time trying to figure out the answer to that simple question. Unfortunately, I’m too late to come to his rescue, but my hope is that others of you may find this useful. It Doesn’t Work Like The Housing Allowance I think this subject may actually be harder for pastors than for others. Why? Because of the clergy housing allowance. The housing allowance is exempt from taxation. IRA ...