Presenting Our Brand New Minister Housing Allowance Calculator!
I recently had a friend run some reports on my website to see how people are finding me. One of the most popular things that people search for, I learned, is “minister housing allowance calculator.” Now, I’ve written a lot about the clergy housing allowance, how to take one in retirement, what to do if you take too much, and things like that. But people weren’t looking for articles about the minister housing allowance. They were looking for a calculator. They were saying, “C’mon, Amy, don’t just tell me how to do it. Give me the tools to actually do it!” And I’m so obedient that I did just that. You asked for it, and now you have it: The Pastor’s Wallet Housing Allowance Calculator You can follow that link to try it out or just click on it from the menu at the top of this website. How To Use The Minister Housing ...
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