In 2017, I started the tradition of ending the year with a report of the top 10 most viewed blog posts on Pastor’s Wallet. I thought it might be helpful for new subscribers and others who may have missed something that would have interested them.
While it has served that purpose, it’s also been interesting to see the trends of what pastors are interested in over time. Certain topics rise in popularity for a season, such as 2018’s articles on the tax law changes, while others are always in demand regardless of what is going on in the world, as you’ll see below.
Drum roll, please. Ladies and gentlemen, here we have it: the top ten personal finance blog posts for pastors of 2021:
1. How Much Housing Allowance Can A Pastor Claim?
This one rose to the top this year because it is something that applies to just about every single pastor. The IRS places restrictions on how much housing allowance a pastor can claim and this article explains each one in detail. This is foundational information that every pastor needs to know.
2. Secular Jobs For Pastors: 9 In-Demand Skills You Already Have
This article has been in the top 3 since I wrote it in 2018 and spent the last two years in the number one spot. It makes me a little bit sad because it shows that a lot of pastors are looking to leave the ministry, but I figure the secular workplace is much better off for it. We need more shining lights out there in the world!
3. How To Calculate The Fair Market Rental Value For The Clergy Housing Allowance
The number one spot on this list discusses the limitations on the amount of housing allowance a pastor can claim. One of those is that it cannot exceed the fair market rental value of the home. How do you know what that is? Read this article!
4. 2020 Housing Allowance For Pastors: What You Need To Know
Don’t let the 2020 date fool you with this article. The information regarding timing, amounts, calculations, overestimating, and the effects of having a side gig is all still accurate and relevant. The only dated part of this article is in regards to how the housing allowance affects the Child Tax Credit. For 2021, it has no effect at all. Going forward, it will depend on what Congress decides to do with the Child Tax Credit long-term. When you read in the news that the credit is “fully refundable,” that means that your housing allowance will not affect it.
5. Do Pastors Pay Social Security And Medicare?
This article addresses a common point of confusion regarding clergy taxes. As with so many things in life, the answer to the title question is, “It depends.” The article discusses how the taxes work, whether or not pastors have to pay them, and how pastors actually go about paying them when they have to.
6. Are Pastors Eligible For Public Service Loan Forgiveness?
There was a change in the laws related to Public Service Loan Forgiveness this summer, so we dusted off this old post and updated it. When it was on the top 10 list back in 2019, it was very rare that a pastor was eligible. Now it’s shot back onto the list because the religious restrictions were removed. If you have federal student loans, this is a must-read.
7. Health Insurance For Pastors: What Are Your Options?
Despite the attempt to fix it with Obamacare, healthcare is still a major issue here in the United States, especially for the self-employed and people who work for small organizations. Like many pastors. This article details your different options, whether you’re trying to get health insurance on your own or if your church is willing to help. You’ll actually be surprised at how many different options are available.
8. How A Parsonage Allowance Works
Live in a parsonage? Enough people do for this article to make it into the top 10 this year for the first time. It details the requirements for claiming a parsonage allowance, how it is taxed, and how it should appear on your W-2.
9. Business Ideas For Pastors Who Want To Make Extra Money
Here is another article that addresses pastors looking to make money outside of the church. Not surprisingly, it has been on the top 10 list since it was written in 2018. All 15 business ideas included are still just as relevant and accessible today as they were when it was written.
10. What Expenses Qualify For The Minister’s Housing Allowance?
The housing allowance is one of the biggest financial benefits available to pastors. It isn’t any wonder that half of this list addresses it. This article is important because it gets into the nitty-gritty practicality of what expenses actually qualify. It is definitely another must-read.
There you have it, the top 10 most viewed Pastor’s Wallet articles of 2021. What do you think? Is there one you’re surprised to see or surprised you didn’t see? Share in the comments!