Tag Archives IRS

Money Mistakes That Make Me Want To Slap You


It can be so frustrating watching other people make mistakes when you know better. In this post I go through several mistakes that I have personally witnessed in hopes that it will help you avoid them and their ugly consequences. 


What Every Taxpayer Needs To Understand Now


Federal tax laws are so complicated that most people outsource tax preparation and have little understanding of how it all works. Do you know how your taxes are calculated? Or the difference between a credit and a deduction? It’s your hard-earned money and your government, so you really should.


Big Refund? Awesome! Or Is It? The Truth About 10 Common Tax Beliefs


Taxes are a huge part of our lives as American citizens. However, there’s a lot of confusion when it comes to taxes. After all, the Federal Tax Code has about 3 million more words than the Bible. There are a lot of myths floating around regarding taxes, and it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Here are some common beliefs regarding taxes and the truth behind them: