5 CARES Act Benefits That Expire In 4 Weeks
If you pay any attention to the news (and I don’t blame you if you don’t), you’ve probably heard that Congress is suddenly eager to pass another coronavirus stimulus bill after months without progress. Why the sudden rush? I doubt it’s to get on Santa’s good list this year. It’s much more likely that they’re feeling pressure because a number of key provisions of the original CARES Act are set to expire at the end of this month. The CARES Act is the $2 trillion stimulus that was passed in March, back when everyone thought life would be back to normal by fall. Boy, were we wrong! Because they didn’t realize things would drag on as long as they have, Congress set a number of key benefits for individuals to expire on December 31, which is less than 4 weeks away. If nothing changes between now and then, these benefits will ...
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