Claiming A Minister’s Housing Allowance In Retirement
The following is an excerpt from my book, The Pastor’s Wallet Complete Guide to the Clergy Housing Allowance: The IRS says it’s still possible to claim a housing allowance even after you retire and stop receiving a paycheck. Unfortunately, there is no clear law or hard and fast rules about this. There is little guidance and not a lot of certainty, so what we do know is cobbled together from various Revenue Rulings issued by the IRS. Even in retirement, the rules that the housing allowance must be provided as payment for ministerial services and designated in advance by a qualifying organization still apply. Based on the information available to us, this is how those two requirements work themselves out in retirement: The allowance must be provided in payment for services that are ordinarily the duties of a minister of the gospel. According to the IRS, the housing allowance of a retired minister ...
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