Should Pastors Opt Out Of Social Security?
If you google the question should pastors opt out of social security? you will find a number of passionately written articles with strong opinions. But they’re all wrong. It’s not really a valid question, especially for an internet search. It’s like asking: Should pastors preach exegetical or topical sermons? Should offering come before or after the sermon? Should I make tacos or hamburgers for dinner? Should I marry a guy with black hair or brown hair? You see, the problem with the question is that there isn’t one right answer. It’s subjective. It’s based on an individual pastor’s personal convictions and beliefs. And anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a little too big for their britches, to put it nicely. Why Pastors Opt Out Of Social Security When you fill out Form 4361 to opt out of Social Security you have to sign a statement that says, I certify that I am conscientiously opposed to, or ...
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