If You Opt Out Of Social Security Do You Still Get The Money You Already Put In?
Most pastors don’t go straight from high school or college into the pulpit. Usually, you spend a few years in the secular workforce before settling into your pastoral vocation. I think that’s a good thing. It gives you some practical work experience, exposes you to how people outside of the church live and work, and, depending on where you work, it can make you really, really appreciate working with Christians once you’re on church staff. At least that was my experience. Another thing that working a secular job before joining the ministry does is that it forces you to begin paying into the Social Security system. Remember, pastors are unique in their ability to opt out. Everyone else just has to do it and has no say in the matter. But, what happens to the money that you put into the system if you choose to opt out once you become a licensed ...
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