When is the last time you saw anything positive on the news? Even social media seems to have devolved into a giant whining match between the “stay home and live” and “live free or die” camps. We’re not going to get into that today. We’re going to take the Pollyanna approach. What good has come of this coronavirus crisis?
For me personally, I enjoy having my husband home an extra day each week. I’m really enjoying that my son’s karate has gone virtual so I no longer have to pack up the kids and sit on a wooden bench through every practice. Not having to rush the kids in the morning to make the bus has been really nice. I’m glad that I was already working and doing school virtually so I didn’t have any disruptions with that. And I’m also thankful that people will no longer think it strange that I do everything from home.
What about you? How have you benefited as a result of our current situation? If nothing comes to mind, take some time to think through these ways that you may be able to benefit:
Investments Are On Sale
Another way to say “the stock market is down 33%” is “buy 2 get 1 free sale on stocks.” While it would be nice for investments to always go up in value, they don’t. Having stock prices go down is actually a good thing for people with a long investing time horizon, because they get more for their money.
Let’s look at an example with Disney stock. (This is not an investment recommendation, I only chose this stock because most people recognize the company.) If you had invested $1,000 in Disney stock on January 2, 2020, it would have bought you 6.75 shares of stock. If you had invested that same $1,000 on March 23, you would have gotten 11.66 shares of stock. That’s almost twice as much for the same amount of money.
Now, pretend that 5 years from now everything is back to normal and Disney stock is selling for $200 a share. If you had bought on January 2, your investment is now worth $1,350 for a 35% increase. That’s pretty good, huh?
But wait until you see how the March 23 investment has done. That $1,000 investment is now worth $2,332. That is a 133% return! See what I mean by this being a good thing?
It’s important to note, though, that there is no guarantee that stock prices will go up, and even if they do it can sometimes take a long time. Make sure any investments you make are appropriate for your own personal risk tolerance and time horizon.
There Is Room To Trim Costs
One nice thing about being stuck at home is that you’re not spending money going out. This is especially relevant for pastors, who spend so much time meeting with people over food or coffee. A Zoom meeting with a cup of coffee from your kitchen probably costs a tenth of what it would at Starbucks. And that’s not even considering the cost of gas to get there and the wear and tear on your car.
Sitting at home isn’t the only way that this current situation can help your budget. A lot of companies are favorably disposed to providing discounts right now as they try to maintain their customer base. Now is the time to call around and see what kind of costs you can trim. If you have credit card debt, call and ask for a lower interest rate. Contact your internet provider and ask for a better deal. (This is something you should do regardless of the economic environment. Ours just offered us twice the speed for half the cost.) Take advantage of this time to trim your costs and free up more financial margin for your family.
Government Aid Is Available
There is a certain benefit to having the entire country go through difficult times simultaneously instead of doing it as an individual. The government pays attention. Normally, you have to wait a week to collect unemployment benefits after you lose a job. Then, the benefits are only half of your pay and run out after a certain amount of time. And self-employed people, independent contractors, and part-time workers are not eligible.
Thanks to the CARES Act, that has all changed. Unemployment benefits are available to more people and at higher levels. Because this is a national crisis and not just a personal one, there is more government aid available and more options for assistance for those who need it.
Interest Rates Are Low
The Federal Reserve acted quickly and seriously when they saw what coronavirus would do to the economy and they slashed interest rates to near zero. This brought on such a wave of mortgage refinancing that lenders had to raise rates just to slow demand. They have recovered from the onslaught, though, and mortgage rates dropped to their lowest level last week since they began tracking it in 1971.
Homeowners aren’t the only ones who can benefit from low interest rates. Anyone with debt can. Student loans can be refinanced, auto loans can be refinanced, just about any debt can.
Family Time Is Up
While interest rates are down, family time is up. Personally, I haven’t been home alone since March 13. Not that I’m keeping track or anything.
While constant contact with family in close quarters can be challenging, it is also a blessing. Now is a great time to strengthen family relationships, resolve issues, and spend quality time together. Whether you like it or not. It may be hard at times, but these are days that you should cherish because they are fleeting.
Your Lifestyle Is On The Table For Reevaluation
Speaking of family time being fleeting, did you know that you have control over that? Now is the time for you to lay everything on the table for a reassessment. God has hit pause on our lives to give us a chance to reevaluate whether or not they are the lives we really want or should have.
Maybe there was something that you thought was essential in your life that you haven’t even missed. Or maybe there is something that you took for granted and are now pining for. Be intentional about the life you choose when we come out of this. This is the perfect time to take a step back and look at the life you were living and the direction you were going and ask yourself, “Is this what I really want for me and my family?” It may be a confirmation of the choices you’ve made or a wake-up call to make some changes.
People Are Looking For Answers
You’re not the only one who is taking this time to look at your life with new eyes. People all around the globe have been jolted awake to the reality of their lack of control and mortality. When we come face-to-face with our human limitations, we yearn for a limitless God. Let’s introduce everyone to Him.
While many are mourning the loss of in-person church services, this may actually be a benefit in this regard. There are a lot of people out there who are simply afraid to go to church. I had a friend say once that she thought she would be struck by lightning if she did. And others are a little bit interested but simply too lazy to get there. The allure of online church is that it’s anonymous and you don’t have to put any effort into how you look or getting there. The closure of our church buildings has actually removed many of the barriers that keep those who need God from finding him. Let’s take advantage of that.
While I miss seeing friends, live worship services, and uninterrupted time to work, not everything is bad. There is a silver lining to the storm clouds that are raining on our nation and world. I’ve listed some of the benefits here but I know there are more. What other benefits have you seen during this time? Share with us in the comments!
If you liked this article, check out my book Redeeming the Coronavirus Crisis: How to Emerge from the COVID-19 Lockdown Smarter, Healthier, Happier, and Poised to Conquer Your World.
2 Responses
Ben Trolese
May 7, 2020Great article, Amy! Practical tips (do I have any money lying around to buy up some stocks!! :)) as well as spiritual leadership thoughts. Thank you!
May 7, 2020You’re welcome, Ben. I’m glad you found it helpful!