In honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, I would like to publicly thank Miriam Trolese, Larry Wade, and the City Bible Church Pastoral Team.
Appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the Word of God.
Hebrews 13:8, The Message
It’s been in the Bible for hundreds of years, but it wasn’t until 1992 that Hallmark Cards declared the second Sunday of October as Pastor Appreciation Day. In fact, the entire month of October is considered National Clergy Month (but I’m sure Hallmark sells more cards if there is a specific day named).
No matter their motivation, I’m glad Hallmark did it. I think you pastors deserve some recognition and appreciation for everything you do and the way you pour out your lives for us.
In honor of Pastor Appreciation Month and as a head start to Sunday’s Pastor Appreciation Day, there are three people I’d like to publicly appreciate.
I Appreciate the City Bible Church Pastoral Team
You’re right, this is a team, not a person. But the fact that they are a team has made them stronger and more effective than any one individual could ever be. The accountability and encouragement built into the team model have enabled them to take their leadership to a level never reached by individual leaders, whether politicians, celebrities or other pastors. They truly exemplify iron sharpening iron.
I have seen this team go through all kinds of things, from illness and death among their own members to church staff layoffs, to a seamless lead pastor transition that culminated just last night. Though I tend to be skeptical of leaders, I can honestly say that I trust the CBC pastoral team completely. I trust them with my money, and more importantly, I trust them with my children.
I Appreciate Larry Wade
If you don’t know Larry Wade, you are missing out. Even the shortest conversation with him will leave you feeling valued.
One of the many things I appreciate about Larry is that I feel like he sees right through me. I remember when I was having a rough time returning to work after being out sick for a month. I hadn’t seen him for at least 6 months, but he took one look at me and asked, “What’s wrong?” with so much care and concern in his voice that I almost burst into tears.
Even though I was surrounded by wonderful, caring people, only Larry looked at me and saw through the strong facade. I would imagine that’s how Jesus was. He didn’t just look at people but saw through to their souls.
I Appreciate Miriam Trolese
I appreciate Miriam Trolese because she cares more about what’s best for me than what I want. She doesn’t give a rip about my comfort zone. This is the kind of thing I’m talking about: “Oh, you’re a white girl that’s not comfortable with Spanish? Ok, go lead a Bible study in Spanish!”
I’m not the type to step out of the boat and walk on water like Peter. If we had been on that boat and Jesus had called me onto the water, Miriam would have had my back and pushed me out of the boat. But I need that, and in her Godly wisdom, she recognizes it.
I appreciate Miriam because she has helped me grow into the woman that God created me to be instead of letting fear and insecurity hold me back.
Thank You!
Thank you, Miriam, Larry, and the whole City Bible Church Pastoral Team. Each and every one of you is impacting the world in amazing ways, one person at a time.
Tell me in the comments about a pastor you appreciate and why, and you’ll be entered to win a Starbucks gift card (so you can take that pastor to coffee and tell them in person)!
2 Responses
Karina Diaz
October 3, 2016Amy,
I share your love and honor for Miriam. Like you I’ve been pushed beyond what I felt comfortable doing, and I have been able t witness time after time that Miriam knew what she was doing when she entrusted me with a new “job”. I believe she has been pushed herself and recognizes the value of stepping out in faith and I love that she in turn does the same with other women. This is discipleship and mentoring at its best. Keep writing, Amy!!
October 3, 2016It’s a vital part of leadership that often gets overlooked, but Miriam sets a great example.