If your finances aren’t where you want them, it’s usually due to procrastination, overspending, or ignorance. Here’s how to combat each of those to take control of your money once and for all.
What Is The Stock Market And How Does It Work?
An easy-to-understand explanation of the stock market, individual stock exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange, and stock indices like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500.
Should You Be Signing Up For Obamacare Right Now?
Right now is open enrollment for Obamacare. Learn how to get help paying premiums, the consequences of not enrolling, and whether or not it is even going to be around next year.
10 Simple Ways To Earn Extra Money For Christmas
Christmas is coming, and everyone wants to buy gifts, whether they have the money for them or not. Here are 10 ways to earn extra money for Christmas so that you won’t have to go into debt or worse.
What Is Stressing Out Your Congregation & How To Fix It
Finances are the #1 cause of stress in America today and churches should be part of the solution by providing emotional support and financial education.
Do You Really Need To Save All Those Papers?
We receive so many seemingly important papers every day that it is hard to know which ones to keep and which ones can be tossed. Here is a list of various documents and how long they need to be held.
What Happens To Your Children If You Die?
If you have minor children it is crucial to name a guardian for them in your will. Here are several important things to consider when choosing a guardian.
Celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month 2016
In honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, I would like to publicly thank Miriam Trolese, Larry Wade, and the City Bible Church Pastoral Team.
Appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the Word of God.
Hebrews 13:8, The Message
How Much Do You Know About Money? Find Out With 5 Simple Questions!
Some people think they know everything about money while others completely underestimate their expertise. Have you ever wondered how you measure up when it comes to financial understanding? Take this five-question test to rate your financial literacy, and then compare your results with the rest of the world.
The Pastor’s Wallet: The Birth Of A Blog
The story of how The Pastor’s Wallet, a personal finance blog for pastors, came to be; from my childhood career aspirations to discovering the profession of financial planning and deciding who I would most like to serve.