All Posts By Amy

What You Need To Know About Earning Extra Income As A Pastor


Pastors often need additional sources of income besides just their church. Running a side business is a great option, but you have to be careful. You shouldn’t try to monetize your ministry. Your ministry can feed off of your business, but your business should never feed off of your ministry.


How To Estimate Your Taxes Under The New Tax Bill


The most commonly asked question regarding the new tax reform bill that went into effect at the beginning of the year is, “How will it affect me?” Since everyone’s situation is different, no amount of searching on Google is going to give you the right answer.


The most accurate answer you can find will come from doing calculations based on your 2017 tax return. If you anticipate being in the same, or a similar, financial situation for 2018 as you were for 2017, then you can get a pretty good estimate of this coming year’s tax bill by looking at last years’ numbers. Here is how to do it:


How To Make The Best Financial Decision Every Time


Today is the beginning of a brand new year, a fresh start. For many people, now is the time to leave the regrets of 2017 behind and do better in the year to come. Millions of people all over America are making New Year’s resolutions to do better financially.


How about you? Would you like to improve your finances in 2018? I’ll help you. Your current finances are the result of decisions, both large and small, that you have been making your entire adult life. If you want to make a change in your financial life, you’ll need to change the way you make decisions.


Today, I’m going to show you how to make better financial decisions.


Are You Financially Prepared For An Emergency?


From hurricanes to fires, people all over the nation have been finding themselves in emergency situations this year. What if next year is your turn? Are you financially prepared for an emergency? What steps can you take to become prepared?