Tag Archives taxes

How A Parsonage Allowance Works


There are two kinds of ministerial housing allowances here in the US. The parsonage allowance is for those living in church-owned housing. The cash housing (or rental) allowance is for those who provide their own housing.


Today, I want to go deeper into the parsonage allowance. Though parsonages are slowly becoming a thing of the past, many pastors still live in them. For those pastors, it is important to understand the different features of the IRS’s parsonage allowance.


How To Estimate Your Taxes Under The New Tax Bill


The most commonly asked question regarding the new tax reform bill that went into effect at the beginning of the year is, “How will it affect me?” Since everyone’s situation is different, no amount of searching on Google is going to give you the right answer.


The most accurate answer you can find will come from doing calculations based on your 2017 tax return. If you anticipate being in the same, or a similar, financial situation for 2018 as you were for 2017, then you can get a pretty good estimate of this coming year’s tax bill by looking at last years’ numbers. Here is how to do it:


Act Now For Your 2018 Clergy Housing Allowance


As a pastor, one of your greatest earthly rewards is the clergy housing allowance. Though it’s nothing compared to the rewards you’re piling up in heaven, it is definitely something that should not be overlooked.


Here are some things to remember as you prepare your 2018 clergy housing allowance request:


Money Mistakes That Make Me Want To Slap You


It can be so frustrating watching other people make mistakes when you know better. In this post I go through several mistakes that I have personally witnessed in hopes that it will help you avoid them and their ugly consequences.