Tag Archives 403(b)

The Great Tax Benefits of 403(b) Plans for Pastors


This is a guest post by Nate Skelly, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and founder of Financial Pathway. He is passionate about providing financial education from a biblical worldview. Nate lives in the Tampa, FL, area with his wife, Charity, and their three kids: Jaden, Judah, and Juliet.

You know what they say about things that sound too good to be… they usually are! But let me assure you, if you’re a licensed, ordained, or commissioned minister, this article is worth 10 minutes of your time!

The bottom line is this: if you are a pastor and you are not contributing to a church-sponsored 403(b) you are likely missing out on thousands in tax savings over the coming years.

Understanding the Church-Sponsored 403(b) Plan

A 403(b) plan is similar to a 401(k), but it is only available for nonprofits.

One key advantage is that church-sponsored 403(b) plans don’t have to follow the fairness rules that apply to 401(k) plans. These rules are meant to ensure retirement plans don’t favor higher-paid employees too much, but they can create a lot of extra paperwork and restrictions. Since churches are exempt from these rules, they have more freedom to design a retirement plan that works best for their staff, without worrying about complicated tests or limits. Additionally, 403(b) plans tend to be a lot easier to set up and manage on an ongoing basis.


Image source: Mint/Intuit

The Housing Allowance Advantage

Licensed, ordained, or commissioned ministers can designate a portion of their income as a housing allowance. This allowance, up to certain limits, is not subject to federal income tax. 

For example, if a pastor earns $60,000 per year and his church designates $20,000 as housing allowance, only the remaining $40,000 is subject to income tax. Not only does it lower the pastor’s overall tax bill, it also makes him more likely to qualify for certain income-based benefits.

By the way, if you are not already utilizing your housing allowance or unsure if you are able to, speak to your church and your tax professional right away!

But it gets better…

Housing Allowance in Retirement

Most pastors don’t know that housing allowance can extend beyond their employment years. Even in retirement, pastors can still claim housing allowance on withdrawals from their church-sponsored retirement accounts. This is a huge benefit!

For example, let’s say a pastor’s housing allowance retires and his church designates his housing allowance amount at $24,000/yr. This means that for his first year of retirement, he would be able to claim up to $24,000 of withdrawals from his church-sponsored 403(b) account as housing allowance and pay no income taxes (or Social Security and Medicare taxes) on those withdrawals. Even though he is no longer being paid by the church, he is withdrawing funds that were set aside in a church-sponsored retirement plan so he is still able to claim housing allowance on those funds.

Keep in mind that any withdrawals above the housing allowance amount would be subject to ordinary income taxes. 

Making the Most of the Tax Benefits

It’s important to note that the tax benefits only apply to church-sponsored retirement accounts. If pastors have funds in IRAs or 401(k)s from previous secular jobs, a pastor is not able to claim housing allowance on those withdrawals. However, if a pastor made contributions to an IRA with money earned from his religious duties, he can transfer those IRA funds into a church-sponsored 403(b) account and gain the ability to claim housing allowance on those funds during retirement!

Triple Tax Advantage

By utilizing the housing allowance provision and contributing to a church-sponsored 403(b) plan, pastors can potentially achieve triple tax advantage: 1. contributions are income tax deductible 2. the growth of the funds inside the 403(b) is tax-deferred  3. withdrawals can be tax-free if designated as housing allowance within the allowed limits. So it is possible for a pastor to not pay any income taxes on his retirement savings at all!

This makes the church-sponsored 403(b) an even better vehicle than a regular IRA or even a Roth IRA.

Additional Tax Benefits

Contributions made by pastors to their 403(b) accounts also come with another perk. They are exempt from paying Social Security and Medicare taxes on those contributions. Considering that pastors are classified as self-employed and responsible for both the employer and employee portions of these taxes, this exemption can lead to significant savings.

Hypothetical example: a pastor is in the 22% income tax bracket and pays 15.3% Social Security/Medicare tax on his income. 

If he contributes $5,000 to his 403(b) account he is saving 37.3% ($1,865) in taxes!


Hypothetical example based on a pastor in the 22% income tax bracket.

Contribution Limits

The contribution limits for church-sponsored 403(b) plans are higher than those for traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs. As of 2025, pastors can contribute up to $23,000 per year from their paychecks. Additionally, churches have the option to contribute to the pastor’s account as well. For 2025, the combined limit of employee and employer contributions is $70,000/yr!


Image source: thecollegeinvestor.com

On top of that, if you are age 50-59 or 64 or older, you can contribute an additional $7,500/year as a catch up contribution raising your individual limit to $31,000. Important note: beginning this year, if you are age 60-63 you can do an even higher catch up contribution of $11,250 raising your individual limit to $34,750. 

While most pastors and churches will not come anywhere close to the yearly contribution limit it can be very useful in certain situations.

For instance, let’s say a pastor is getting ready to retire soon. He may want to increase his 403(b) contributions to “front load” his retirement and build up more tax-free income for later on. 

Perhaps a church wants to give a substantial gift to a pastor in honor of an anniversary, or maybe it wants to give a lump sum ahead of retirement. Instead of cutting a check directly to the pastor (which would then be immediately taxable), the church may choose to contribute to his 403(b) plan instead and help the pastor save substantially on taxes.


The special tax provision for pastors through church-sponsored 403(b) plans offers unparalleled benefits. By maximizing the housing allowance provision and taking advantage of the triple tax advantage, pastors can save a significant amount on taxes and enjoy tax-free withdrawals in retirement. 

If you have questions about setting up a 403(b) plan for your church, you can schedule a quick phone call with Nate here

Important reminder: always consult with your tax professional when considering any of these steps. This is not tax advice, but rather areas of potential tax savings that you should be aware of.


Retirement Savings Options For Ministers


Whether or not you ever want to stop working, it is important to plan and prepare for retirement just in case your health or your spouse force you to slow down at some point. A lot of people say that their retirement plan is to simply not retire, but real life has shown us that that isn’t always an option.

Knowing that, it is irresponsible not to plan for being unable to work someday. The biggest part of a retirement plan is saving money now, while you are still working, so you will have something to live off of when you stop working. Just creating margin in your budget to be able to save for the future is the biggest battle. If you can start to actually save, then it’s all fairly easy after that.

While stock-piling cash in a can under your bed is better than what a lot of Americans are doing (which is nothing), there are smarter ways to save for retirement. There are ways that will allow your money to grow and earn interest and ways that your money can legally avoid taxation. Here are the top four ways for ministers and pastors to save for retirement.

Church-Sponsored 403(b)

Most denominations and some independent churches sponsor their own retirement plans. Most of these are 403(b) plans, though some are now starting to use 401(k)s. (You can read about the difference here.) Both kinds of plans are tax-advantaged, which is a big help when saving for retirement.

These plans are great because they allow you to set aside up to $23,000 (more if you’re over 50) before paying taxes on it (and you never have to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes on contributions!). That means you have more money to invest and start earning compound interest. Some even offer Roth options, where you invest after paying taxes but don’t have to pay taxes on the gains (this isn’t recommended if you’ll use the funds for housing because…).

One of the best things about saving for retirement in your church’s 403(b) is that it qualifies for the housing allowance in retirement. (There is debate over whether a 401(k) qualifies for the housing allowance in retirement.) That means withdrawals from your 403(b) can be tax-free in retirement if you use them for qualified housing expenses. You can read all about that here.

Traditional Or Roth IRA

If you don’t have access to a 403(b) or 401(k), your best option is likely to save in an IRA. Like with the church-sponsored plans, there are tax advantages to utilizing one. Traditional IRAs allow you to invest your money before paying taxes on it, which leaves you with more to invest. Roth IRAs allow you to pay taxes first and avoid paying taxes on any of the money that your account earns. You can learn more about the differences here.

You can’t put quite as much into an IRA, only $7,000 for 2024 (or $8,000 if you’re over age 50). However, they do hold some advantages over the workplace retirement plans. They offer more flexibility in investment options and you have more control over the account. However, if you plan on claiming a housing allowance in retirement, the 403(b) is often a better option even if the fees are higher.

Taxable Brokerage Account

If you don’t have access to a workplace retirement plan, saving $7,000 a year into an IRA may not be enough to prepare you for retirement. Once you’ve maxed out your IRA, you may need to start saving into a taxable brokerage account. 

As the name implies, you receive no tax benefits for saving in a taxable brokerage account. You have to pay taxes on your money before you put it in and you have to pay taxes on all of the gains that your account generates.

Even without tax advantages, a brokerage account is likely better than just saving in a traditional savings account. Savings accounts only pay interest, often not even enough to keep up with inflation. Brokerage accounts allow you to invest your money in the stock market, which means your money has a chance to grow and multiply. If you don’t have a lot of money to save for retirement, then having your accounts grow in this way is key to your ability to retire one day.

Health Savings Account

A health savings account (HSA) has the best tax advantages out of all of your options covered in this article (unless you claim a housing allowance from your 403(b), then they’re equal). However, I listed it last because it is probably available to fewer of my readers. You see, you have to have a qualifying high-deductible health insurance plan in order to be eligible to open an HSA. Check with your insurance provider, though, because if you are eligible, it’s more than worth it to open one.

An HSA is a savings account that is used for health care expenses. Why is it listed as a way to save for retirement? Because just about everyone has health care expenses in retirement, usually more than at any other time in their life. If you pay for your current health care needs out of your cash flow, an HSA can be an incredibly powerful retirement savings vehicle.

What makes an HSA so special is that it has double tax benefits. Like a traditional retirement account, you get to put your money into it before paying any taxes, so you have more to put in. Then it also has the benefits of a Roth account, where you get to take all of the money out tax-free when used for medical expenses. You don’t pay taxes when you put the money in or when you take it out. That’s why an HSA provides more tax savings than any other retirement account out there. And, you can invest it in the stock market just like any other retirement account. If you decide not to use the money for medical expenses, you can take it out after age 59 1/2 penalty-free, you’ll just have to pay income taxes as you would with a traditional IRA.

While you may not want to retire, it’s important to prepare just in case you are forced to. What I have listed here are not the only ways that you can save, you could invest in real estate or save cash in a can under your bed, but they are the easiest and most beneficial ways to save. 

Saving for retirement is always a good idea. Even if you don’t end up using all of your savings, you can always use it to bless your kids, your church, or your favorite missionary. And who wouldn’t want to do that?


Should You Invest in a 403(b) with High Fees to Have a Housing Allowance in Retirement?


Pastors who save into their church’s retirement plan are eligible to withdraw some of that money as a tax-free housing allowance in retirement. It’s a great benefit to have. Unfortunately, a lot of church retirement plans have investments with higher fees than are available in IRAs. Because of this, I have been asked multiple times if it is worth it. Does the ability to claim a housing allowance outweigh the cost of the higher fees?

As with everything in financial planning, the answer is that it depends. It depends on a lot of things, the primary one being your tax situation. Since the question involves calculations and doesn’t have an easy answer, I asked one of my amazing colleagues, Cal Treichler, to help me out. In addition to being a Certified Financial Planner, Certified Student Loan Planner, and PK, he’s also a spreadsheet whiz. In his free time, he created this spreadsheet that allows you to compare the housing allowance benefit with the benefit of lower investment fees:

Housing Allowance vs. Investment Fees Comparison

Let me show you how it works. Let’s say you have $500,000 in your 403(b) and you’re trying to decide if you should keep it where it is in a target date retirement fund with 0.8% fees or roll it into an IRA and invest in a Vanguard target date retirement fund with 0.08% fees. Your combined federal and state income tax rate is 22% and you have $20,000 of eligible annual housing expenses. This is what it looks like:

As you can see, between the fees and the housing allowance tax benefit, with the 403(b) you end up with a $400 net benefit while with the IRA you end up with a $400 net cost. The green box is the better deal for you. Isn’t that cool how he even color-coded the results? 

Now let’s look at how things change if your 403(b) investment fee is 1%. 

Here, even with the benefit of the housing allowance, you’ll still end up $200 ahead by having your money in the IRA with the lower fees. Go ahead and download the spreadsheet and play with the numbers. The higher your housing allowance and tax rate, the more advantageous the 403(b) while the higher the 403(b) fees, the more advantageous the IRA. 

The Effects of Social Security Taxes

A client recently asked me that same question about 403(b) vs. IRA. However, he wasn’t referring to money he had already built up in his 403(b) but new retirement contributions. In his case, there is another factor to consider. This pastor did not opt out of Social Security, so he pays about 15% of his income in self-employment taxes

Self-employment taxes is just another name for Social Security and Medicare taxes. Everyone has to pay them except for pastors who have opted out. In most cases, any money that you save for retirement has already had Social Security and Medicare taxes taken out. That is true for anything you put into IRAs and also most employer-sponsored retirement plans, even pre-tax accounts. 

The one exception is pastors. Because of the way pastors pay Social Security and Medicare taxes as if they are self-employed, contributions to employer-sponsored plans happen before those taxes are calculated. This is unique to pastors and the only way they can avoid paying those taxes without opting out

So, for a pastor who is participating in Social Security, putting $1,000 into an IRA and $1,000 into a church 403(b) is not a fair comparison. While you can put $1,000 into your 403(b), after paying the 15% taxes you only have $850 left to put into the IRA. How does that affect the decision?

Here is a chart that compares your options. The initial investment is $1,000 less any taxes that you have to pay before the money can go into the account. SECA taxes are 15% and for income taxes, I’m assuming 12% federal and 6% state. For 403(b) investment fees, I chose 0.8%, which is the fee for the PCA’s target date retirement fund since I’ve had a couple of clients invested in that recently. The IRA fees are Vanguard’s fee for their version of the same target date retirement fund.

AccountInitial InvestmentCalculationInvestment FeeBalance After 20 Years with 7% GrowthTaxation of Withdrawals
Church 403(b)$1,000No taxes paid0.80%$3,455Tax-free for housing allowance, otherwise subject to income tax
Traditional IRA$85015% SECA taxes paid0.08%$3,393Subject to income tax
Roth IRA$67015% SECA + 12% Federal + 6% State income taxes 0.08%$2,675Tax-free

As you can see, in this particular situation it is still more advantageous to invest in the 403(b) even though the investment fees are 10 times higher. That won’t be the case every time, so you’ll have to calculate it with your own unique numbers to get your own answer.  

I hope this spreadsheet is helpful for you and also the tip about avoiding SECA taxes!


Should I Invest My 403(b) (Or IRA) In A Target Date Fund?


This post mentions some specific investments. They are only examples and not an endorsement of those investments.

Perhaps the most difficult, or at least most intimidating, thing about saving for retirement isn’t finding money to set aside, but rather choosing how to invest that money. After all, 1 in 5 Americans who aren’t invested in the stock market says it’s because they “don’t know enough.”

What Is A Target Date Fund?

Because of this, in 1994, a new kind of mutual fund was created: the target date fund (TDF). It is a kind of investment designed so that you can just put your money in and forget about it until it’s time to take your money out. You will recognize them because they have a future date in their name, like LifePath Index 2040 Fund or T Rowe Price Retirement 2040 Fund.


Are You Eligible To Make Extra 403(b) Contributions?


People over 50 are eligible to make extra contributions to their 403(b) plans. However, some plans even let younger people make extra contributions. Here is everything you need to know regarding eligibility, limits, etc. for making extra contributions to your 403(b).


Should A Pastor Contribute To A Roth Or Traditional 403(b)?


The internet is plastered with articles discussing the merits of Roth versus traditional accounts. The Pastor’s Wallet even has one for IRAs. They talk about the different taxation, time horizons, and how to pick the right kind of retirement plan for you. If you’re a pastor, though, you should ignore them all. 

If you’re a pastor, you should invest in a traditional 403(b) (if it’s a 403(b)(9), which is the type that churches sponsor). At least some, if not all, of your retirement money should be going into a traditional 403(b), not a Roth 403(b). It doesn’t really matter what your personal details are. If your church or denomination offers a 403(b), it is a waste for you to put all of your money into a Roth account. 

The Difference Between Roth & Traditional Accounts

Before I tell you why I’m taking such a bold and non-personalized stance, let me give you some background. The major difference between traditional and Roth accounts is the taxation. 

With a Roth account, you pay taxes on the money before you put it in. Then, everything you withdraw is tax-free. With a traditional account, you invest the money before paying taxes, but then you pay income taxes on all of your withdrawals. The difference is whether you pay the taxes on the money now or in retirement.

Why Traditional 403(b)s Are Better For Pastors

What makes pastors unique in the Roth versus traditional debate is the clergy housing allowance. Ministers have a special privilege where they can pay for all of their housing expenses tax-free. And it’s not just for while you’re in active ministry. You can claim a housing allowance in retirement, too, if you have a church-sponsored retirement plan. Like a 403(b)(9). 

This means that in retirement, the housing allowance will allow you to take distributions from your 403(b) completely tax-free for housing expenses. If the housing allowance makes it possible to take money out tax-free, then having a Roth is irrelevant. Why would you pay taxes on the money before investing it if you were going to be able to take it out tax-free either way?

Let’s say you have $1,000 to invest for retirement and you’re in a 10% tax bracket. With a Roth, you would pay your $100 tax and then put the remaining $900 into your retirement savings account. Then, in retirement, you can take withdrawals from the account without paying any taxes.

If you were using a traditional 403(b), you would put the entire $1,000 into the account without paying any taxes on it. Then, in retirement, anything you took out for qualified housing expenses would be tax-free. You would still have to pay taxes on the money if it were used for other things.

How much of a difference does paying that $100 in taxes make? Let’s say you leave the money invested for 30 years and earn 8% interest on it. Your Roth account, where you only invested $900, grows to $9,056. That’s pretty impressive. But, your traditional account, where you put in the entire $1,000, grows to $10,062. That’s even more impressive. That’s over $1,000 difference, and the more you invest, the bigger the difference is.

How To Determine The Best Way To Invest For Retirement

As you can see, it doesn’t make any sense to put money that will be used for housing expenses into a Roth account. However, not all of your expenses in retirement will be for housing. 

You could make a case for saving some in a Roth account for living expenses and saving some in a traditional account for housing expenses. There’s nothing wrong with that. Or you could use Social Security and your IRAs or other savings to pay for living expenses and your 403(b) for housing. That works too.

Take a look at your current tax return. After the housing allowance and deductions, how much of your everyday living expenses are you paying taxes on? Based on your spending, how much of your 403(b) do you think will end up being taxable in retirement after all of the deductions?

It’s important to remember, though, that you can only take a housing allowance in retirement from a church or denominational retirement plan. You cannot take one from your IRA (even if it contains funds rolled over from a church account) or a 401(k) from a secular employer. You can read more about that here.

As you strategize for your retirement, just remember this: If you have access to a church or denominational traditional 403(b), put the money that will go towards housing expenses there. Putting it anywhere else will cause you to waste money paying unnecessary taxes.


How To Take A Pastor Housing Allowance In Retirement


If you’re a pastor, you know that your ministerial housing allowance is perhaps the biggest financial benefit of being in the ministry. It allows you to avoid paying taxes on all of your housing expenses, including things like cable television and landscaping.

Because of this, one of the most common questions pastors ask is if they can keep taking a housing allowance in retirement. The answer? It depends on where your money is coming from. Unfortunately, one of the most common pieces of advice that professional financial advisors give could actually disqualify you from taking a housing allowance in retirement.