Unfortunately, pastors are sometimes given bad information regarding Medicare. This can lead to costly enrollment mistakes. If this has happened to you, there may be a way to fix things.
How To Appeal A Social Security Benefits Decision
Because a pastor’s opportunity to opt out of Social Security is so unique, many Social Security employees don’t understand the law surrounding it. Unfortunately, this results in pastors being denied benefits that are rightfully theirs. This is what you can do to appeal the decision if it happens to you.
What You Need To Know About Medicare To Save Hundreds Of Dollars A Month In Retirement
When it comes to Medicare, most pastors don’t really understand how it works. Unfortunately, this is one situation where ignorance can really hurt you. Here are the basics of Medicare and what you can do now, even if you’re still young, to save a lot of money.
Pastor Appreciation 2018: The Gift You Need More Than You Realize
During this Pastor Appreciation Month, I would like to give you a gift that you both need and deserve, a gift that could even change your life. Thank you, pastor, for all you do. I appreciate you.
Should You Even Bother To Save For Your Kids’ College?
As more and more free higher education opportunities become available, does it make sense to save for your children’s college anymore? And if you do, what happens with the money if they don’t use it for college?