Browsing Category Taxes

The Great Tax Benefits of 403(b) Plans for Pastors

The Great Tax Benefits of 403(b) Plans for Pastors


This is a guest post by Nate Skelly, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and founder of Financial Pathway. He is passionate about providing financial education from a biblical worldview. Nate lives in the Tampa, FL, area with his wife, Charity, and their three kids: Jaden, Judah, and Juliet.You know what they say about things that sound too good to be... they usually are! But let me assure you, if you're a licensed, ordained, or commissioned minister, this article is worth 10 ...

Should You Keep A Mortgage Just For The Housing Allowance & Mortgage Interest Deduction?

Should You Keep A Mortgage Just For The Housing Allowance & Mortgage Interest Deduction?


Keep your mortgage so you don’t lose your housing allowance and mortgage interest deduction! How many times have you heard that advice? A reader recently asked me about it. Is that really good advice? I know for most people, keeping a mortgage just for the mortgage interest deduction doesn’t make financial sense (though a lot of people do it). But you pastors have an amazing benefit in the ministerial housing allowance. It made me wonder, could the housing allowance be enough to ...

Tax Preparation for Ministers: Reader Referrals

Tax Preparation for Ministers: Reader Referrals


Clergy taxes are incredibly unique in a complex tax system, so it can be hard to find a tax preparer who actually understands how they work. I’m always getting requests for referrals, so I turned to my readers for help. These are the tax preparers that my readers have recommended. I have not personally worked with any of them and have done no research or due diligence, but they each have at least one happy pastor client. Bret Willoughby, CPA Yahr Income ...

What is a Social Security Offset & How Does It Work?

What is a Social Security Offset & How Does It Work?


As you probably know if you read this blog (or can find out here), pastors have to pay both the employee and employer portions of Social Security and Medicare taxes as if they were self-employed. Those Social Security and Medicare taxes are also called SECA taxes, which is a lot faster to type so that’s what I’m going to call them from here on out.  What Is A SECA Offset? Some churches feel kind of bad that their pastors have to pay ...

Why Don’t Churches Pay Payroll Taxes For Ministers?

Why Don’t Churches Pay Payroll Taxes For Ministers?


Tax season has just come to an end and most of us are either eagerly awaiting a return or bemoaning how much we had to pay. The rest of you filed an extension and are still trying to get your papers together or get your tax preparer to answer your calls. Isn't tax season fun? If you haven't opted out of Social Security, then you would have filed Schedule SE to calculate your Social Security and Medicare taxes, also called payroll ...

How The Housing Allowance Can Hurt Pastors With Families

How The Housing Allowance Can Hurt Pastors With Families


The clergy housing allowance is touted as the greatest tax benefit available to pastors. And it really is a great benefit. I learned back in 2019, though, that it can have a dark side. Not a Darth Vader using the Force to crush you kind of a dark side, more like a "If I hadn't claimed so much, I'd be $1,000 richer" kind of dark side. The problem is how it can affect the Additional Child Tax Credit, which is ...

Your Top 10 Clergy Housing Allowance Questions Answered

Your Top 10 Clergy Housing Allowance Questions Answered


The clergy housing allowance is by far the most common topic that I receive questions about. Here are 10 or the most common questions answered to help you get the most value out of your housing allowance: How does a housing allowance work? You, the pastor, calculate what your housing costs will be for the year and submit it to your church. Your church approves the housing allowance and does not include it as taxable income in box 1 of ...

[Video] Q&A: Do Pastors Really Have to Pay 15.3% for SECA?

[Video] Q&A: Do Pastors Really Have to Pay 15.3% for SECA?

by Pastors are dual-status taxpayers who pay Social Security and Medicare taxes as if self-employed. But do you really have to pay the full 15.3% or is there a waiver available for clergy?

Why Do Church Employees Pay Self-Employment Taxes?

Why Do Church Employees Pay Self-Employment Taxes?


If you are a church employee, you may have to file Schedule SE (even though you're not self-employed) and pay double payroll taxes. This is why. View post

Video: Q&A: Can you claim a pastoral housing allowance if you pay taxes as if self-employed?

Video: Q&A: Can you claim a pastoral housing allowance if you pay taxes as if self-employed?

by Does the way you pay your taxes affect your ability to claim a housing allowance? What determines if you can claim a housing allowance or have to pay self-employment taxes? Do you have to pay taxes on the housing allowance?