Browsing Category Social Security

How Do Pastors Opt Out Of Social Security?

How Do Pastors Opt Out Of Social Security?


You've heard that as a pastor you can opt out of Social Security. But how do you actually do it? Here is a step-by-step guide showing how pastors can opt out of Social Security and the accompanying self-employment taxes. It's really very simple: Step 1: Qualify Not just anyone can opt out of Social Security. There are certain criteria that must be met in order to do so: You must be ordained, commissioned, or licensed by a church.Your church must be a tax-exempt ...

Could The Clergy Act Of 2020 Allow You To Opt Back Into Social Security?

Could The Clergy Act Of 2020 Allow You To Opt Back Into Social Security?


I have heard from countless pastors who opted out of Social Security in their youth only to regret it 30 years later. By that time, the idea of retirement has become more of a reality and they realize that they have done nothing to prepare. Apparently, California Congressman Kevin McCarthy has heard the same. In February, McCarthy introduced a bill that would allow pastors who had opted out to opt back in. The bill, H.R. 5904, is also called the ...

What Social Security Spousal Benefits Can A Pastor Who Has Opted Out Receive?

What Social Security Spousal Benefits Can A Pastor Who Has Opted Out Receive?


While pastors have the unique opportunity to opt out of the Social Security system, that doesn’t mean that they cannot participate at all. If your spouse has earned enough Social Security credits to be eligible for benefits, then you are eligible for some benefits as well. These are the spousal benefits that you can receive: Medicare Benefits Many people wrongly believe that opting out of Social Security means that you can no longer participate in Medicare. Everyone age 65 or older who ...

Q&A: Reader Questions About Social Security & Opting Out

Q&A: Reader Questions About Social Security & Opting Out


Q: I'm having an accountant do my taxes who I believe hasn't done taxes for pastors before. This is my first year in full-time ministry. My accountant is under the impression from Form 4361 that I have to be in ministry for 2 years before I can file for tax exemption. My understanding is that I just need to file this form within 2 years of claiming exemption. Can you help clarify? A: You are correct. You can file Form 4361 ...

Can You Use IRS Form 2031 To Opt Back Into Social Security?

Can You Use IRS Form 2031 To Opt Back Into Social Security?


Someone wrote to me recently with some questions about Form 4361 that is used by clergy to opt out of Social Security. One of the questions was, how hard is it to get Form 2031 approved to revoke Form 4361 and opt back into Social Security? That is a very important question, so today we are going to address it.  What Is IRS Form 2031? Let me start by explaining these forms. Form 4361 is what pastors use to opt out of ...

If You Opt Out Of Social Security Do You Still Get The Money You Already Put In?

If You Opt Out Of Social Security Do You Still Get The Money You Already Put In?


Most pastors don’t go straight from high school or college into the pulpit. Usually, you spend a few years in the secular workforce before settling into your pastoral vocation.  I think that’s a good thing. It gives you some practical work experience, exposes you to how people outside of the church live and work, and, depending on where you work, it can make you really, really appreciate working with Christians once you’re on church staff. At least that was my experience. Another ...

Should Pastors Opt Out Of Social Security?

Should Pastors Opt Out Of Social Security?


If you google the question should pastors opt out of social security? you will find a number of passionately written articles with strong opinions. But they’re all wrong. It’s not really a valid question, especially for an internet search. It’s like asking: Should pastors preach exegetical or topical sermons? Should offering come before or after the sermon? Should I make tacos or hamburgers for dinner? Should I marry a guy with black hair or brown hair? You see, the problem with the question is that ...

Do Pastors Pay Social Security And Medicare?

Do Pastors Pay Social Security And Medicare?


So, you’re entering the ministry and you’re excited. You’re excited to devote your life to God’s work. You’re excited to make an eternal impact on the world. And you’re excited to do your taxes in a completely new way. No, not really. If that kind of thing excited you, you would be a CPA instead of a pastor. Even though you’re new to pastoral ministry, you’ve probably already heard a thing or two about clergy taxes from seasoned veterans. And there’s ...

Avoid The Penalty For Getting Bad Information From Medicare

Avoid The Penalty For Getting Bad Information From Medicare


Unfortunately, pastors are sometimes given bad information regarding Medicare. This can lead to costly enrollment mistakes. If this has happened to you, there may be a way to fix things. View post

How To Appeal A Social Security Benefits Decision

How To Appeal A Social Security Benefits Decision


Because a pastor’s opportunity to opt out of Social Security is so unique, many Social Security employees don’t understand the law surrounding it. Unfortunately, this results in pastors being denied benefits that are rightfully theirs. This is what you can do to appeal the decision if it happens to you. View post