Browsing Category Taxes

Q & A: Reader Questions About 2019 Clergy Taxes

Q & A: Reader Questions About 2019 Clergy Taxes


Tax Deductible Expenses Q: Are my vestments tax deductible?  A: Since the passage of the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, unreimbursed business expenses are no longer tax-deductible. That would include your vestments. The only way to avoid paying taxes on those expenses would be for your church to set up an accountable reimbursement plan according to IRS rules. Correcting Tax Errors Q: I have been a pastor since 2010. I use TaxAct to file my taxes and only became aware this year that ...

How Big Will Your Check From The Stimulus Package Be?

How Big Will Your Check From The Stimulus Package Be?


On Friday afternoon, President Trump signed into law our nation’s largest-ever economic stimulus package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The bill will cost around $2 trillion and includes nearly $500 billion for rebate checks for individuals and families, another $500 billion to support severely damaged industries, nearly $400 billion dollars to provide tax credits for wages and payroll tax relief, over $300 billion to assist state and local governments, and almost $150 billion to support hospitals ...

How Pastors Pay Federal Taxes

How Pastors Pay Federal Taxes


I recently received an email from a pastor’s wife of 15 years asking for clarification on how their taxes were paid. She was too embarrassed to ask their tax preparer after all this time, so I was a safe place to turn. (If you have any questions, no matter how dumb you may think they are, I’d be happy to help!) She felt dumb asking, but it was unwarranted. Taxes for pastors are unusual and it’s very rare for someone to ...

Can Pastors Deduct Expenses From An Accountable Reimbursement Plan?

Can Pastors Deduct Expenses From An Accountable Reimbursement Plan?


We usually think of taxation as just a way for the government to raise funds for their many activities. But did you know that one of the stated purposes of taxation is to try to influence people’s behaviors? There are some things that the government feels are good for society and they want to encourage people to do them. How do they encourage them? Through tax breaks. Do you know why you get to deduct property taxes and mortgage interest when ...

The Best Tax Software For Clergy (& Your Other Filing Options)

The Best Tax Software For Clergy (& Your Other Filing Options)


Today is the big day! The IRS has officially opened the 2020 tax filing season for individual filers. We should throw a party! Better yet, let’s talk about how to go about filing those tax returns that they are now accepting. As a pastor, you have unique tax issues like the housing allowance and being dual status, so it’s not as easy for you as it is for others. You can’t just use any old tax software and trust that your ...

How To Determine If A Pastor Is An Employee Or Self-Employed For Federal Tax Purposes

How To Determine If A Pastor Is An Employee Or Self-Employed For Federal Tax Purposes


Tax season is just around the corner and that means I’m about to be inundated with tax-related questions. Today, I’m going to try to get ahead of the game and start answering the questions before you ask them. Up first, when is a pastor an employee or self-employed? Pastors Are Always Self-Employed For Social Security Taxes We’ll start with the easy part. When it comes to Social Security and Medicare taxes, also known as payroll taxes, you are always considered self-employed. Pastors ...

How The SECURE Act Affects Pastors

How The SECURE Act Affects Pastors


Back in 2017, the president timed things just right so that I spent the first day of my family’s Christmas vacation researching the tax reform bill and how it affects pastors. Now, almost two years to the day, he signed into law another sweeping financial reform just in time for me to fly down to visit my family for Christmas. Thanks, Congress, I really appreciate your timing. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was signed into law ...

Are Christmas Gifts To Pastors Taxable?

Are Christmas Gifts To Pastors Taxable?


Every year, my church used to do a special offering in December as a Christmas gift for our senior pastor. As they said, why should he get a bunch of $10 gifts that he doesn’t even need when we can pool our resources so that he can buy something bigger that he really does want? It’s a good approach for everyone involved, even the IRS. You see, just because you and I call something a gift doesn’t mean the IRS doesn’t ...

What Missionaries Can Do Today To Save On Taxes In Retirement

What Missionaries Can Do Today To Save On Taxes In Retirement


It was 25 degrees Fahrenheit when I took my kids to the bus stop this morning. That’s freezing! Even though there were kids there in shorts and without jackets, for someone from Southern California like me, that’s a bit too much for my body to handle. My nose has already started running from subjecting myself to such unbearable temperatures.  Runny noses are one of those annoying yet inevitable parts of life. Kind of like taxes. One of those things you know ...

15 Things To Know About 2018 Clergy Taxes

15 Things To Know About 2018 Clergy Taxes


Growing up, there was one thing that I was always confused about. I would hear people mention April 15 as tax day, but it never made sense to me. You see, in my house, October was tax season. And that’s about as far away from April 15 as you can get.  My dad was a self-employed entrepreneur who was always behind on his “office work.” As such, he would file an extension for his tax return every year. You see, the ...