Browsing Category Investing

What The CARES Act Lets You Do (& Not Do) With Your Retirement Savings

What The CARES Act Lets You Do (& Not Do) With Your Retirement Savings


With businesses shutting down and church services closed, you may find yourself reassessing your financial situation. Which expenses are mandatory and which can you do without? What resources do you have available to you that you don’t usually access? As you’re taking stock of your situation, I’d like to let you know about a few changes that the CARES Act stimulus bill makes to the rules about your retirement savings. 2020 Required Minimum Distributions Waived This is one that really only helps ...

What Is Faith-Based Investing? (And Should You Do It?)

What Is Faith-Based Investing? (And Should You Do It?)


When you think of investing, you probably think of trying to grow your money as much as possible without doing anything too risky. That is what investing has traditionally focused on; growing money. However, things are changing. Our culture has evolved to a point where people want their investments to do more than just make them money, they want them to reflect their values. Because of this, there has been a recent surge of values-based investing.  Types Of Values-Based Investing Have you heard ...

Compound Interest: Your Best Friend Or Worst Enemy?

Compound Interest: Your Best Friend Or Worst Enemy?


Sometimes in life, your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness and your biggest disadvantage can also be your biggest advantage. Take Peter, for example. The same boldness and tendency to speak before thinking that caused Jesus to rebuke him and call him Satan is what prompted him to speak out and start the church on the day of Pentecost.  Some of the most powerful things in our lives can be used equally for good or evil. One of those ...

Is The Sky Really Falling? The Truth About What Is Going On With The Markets & Economy

Is The Sky Really Falling? The Truth About What Is Going On With The Markets & Economy


Today and tomorrow people all around the world are celebrating the fact that the creator of the universe found it worthwhile to come to Earth in human form to give us a chance at a relationship with him.   In light of this mind-blowing truth, you really have no reason to worry about anything that I am going to write about in this article. None of it really matters in light of eternity. However, with all of the media headlines these ...

How Stock Market Investing Is Like Parenting, But Much Easier

How Stock Market Investing Is Like Parenting, But Much Easier


As volatility picks up and the stock market nears a downturn, it’s important to keep a proper perspective, just like you did to survive the difficult parenting years. View post

What Should You Do With The Money For A 5-Year Savings Goal?

What Should You Do With The Money For A 5-Year Savings Goal?


Are you saving up to buy a home? To go on the mission field? To buy into a business? There are a lot of different reasons behind mid-term savings goals, those goals that take 3-5 years to achieve. No matter the reason you’re saving, everyone always ends up asking: what do I do with the money in the meantime? View post

How Rising Interest Rates Affect Bonds & What You Should Do About It

How Rising Interest Rates Affect Bonds & What You Should Do About It


Interest rates are going up right now, and that will affect anyone who owns bonds or shares in bond mutual funds. Why is that, and what should you do about it? View post

Reader Question: What Should A Mobile Pastor Do With Extra Income?

Reader Question: What Should A Mobile Pastor Do With Extra Income?


Dear Pastor’s Wallet,   My only debt is my mortgage, a 30/5 ARM with 23 years remaining. I am saving 15% of my pre-tax income toward retirement, have an emergency fund and am saving towards large expenses like my kids’ college, a new car, etc. However, I still have some extra money at the end of the month. Should I pay down my mortgage or invest it in a brokerage account? I have been at my current post for several years and ...

Reader Story: A Millionaire After 30+ Years In The Ministry

Reader Story: A Millionaire After 30+ Years In The Ministry


Several weeks ago we discussed the characteristics common to those who are able to build wealth over time. Today, I’m going to introduce you to a real live example of a pastor who has done it. View post

Do You Know How To Use The F Word?

Do You Know How To Use The F Word?


I mean fiduciary. Why, what were you thinking?   Fiduciary, pronounced fi-DOO-she-air-ee. In the financial services industry, this is a very important word. It describes a kind of relationship. The kind of relationship you want to have with someone giving you financial advice. View post